After School Academy 24-25
Academic Competitions
- Math Counts
- American Math Competition 8
- VEX Robotics
- HPS Drone Competition
- Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)
- UIL Math
- UIL Literary Criticism
- Biomedical HOSA
- Science Fair Competitions
- UIL Science
Math Counts
Sponsor/Advisor: Anar Aghayev -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families. Contact Sponsor/Advisor for details before paying the fee. Participation in this program is open to students who have been selected through our acceptance process. We look forward to welcoming those who are chosen to join us.
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 6-8
Purpose: The competition is divided into four stages: school, chapter, state, and national. The problems increase in difficulty between levels—perfect scores are relatively common at the school-level, while winners of the written round at the national-level do not often achieve a perfect score. Each school is allowed to register ten students, including a group of four designated as the school team.
See application in the link below before paying fee
American Math Competition 8
Sponsor/Advisor: Bakhyt Daulyetkhan -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6-8
Purpose: The MAA’s American Mathematics Competitions (MAA AMC) program leads the nation in strengthening the mathematical capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. Through classroom resources and friendly competition, the MAA AMC program helps America’s educators identify talent and foster a love of mathematics. The MAA AMC program positively impacts the analytical skills needed for future careers in an innovative society.
see application in the link below before paying fee
VEX Robotics
ponsor/Advisor: Sanchez Adamson -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families. Students will be required to complete a test and interview for a place on the competition teams.
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 6-8
Purpose: VEX Robotics is a robotics program for elementary through university students, and a subset of Innovation First International. The VEX Robotics competitions and programs are managed by the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation (REC).[1] In April 2018, VEX Robotics Competition was named the largest roboticscompetition in the world by Guinness World Records
See appliation in the link below before paying fee. See Sponsor before paying fee
Sponsor/Advisor: Magdalena Salazar -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families. Students will be required to complete a test and interview for a place on the competition teams.
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 6-8
Purpose: In VEX IQ students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play with other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more.
See appliation in the link below before paying fee
HPS Drone Competition
Sponsor/Advisor: Sanchez Adamson -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6-10
Purpose: HPS-wide/ Regional Competition - Presented in partnership with FTW Robotics and Rice University, HPS Drone Race is the perfect event offering elementary, middle school and high school students an opportunity to get hands-on experience in STEM education in the form of an affordable, fast-paced game. Students will learn to safely operate a drone, work as a team, and research workforce applications of aerial robotic technology; all while having a blast!
See appliation in the link below before paying fee
Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC)
Sponsor/Advisor: Erica Carpentar -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6-10
Purpose: The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is an annual American model rocketry competition for students in grades six to 12 sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association and the National Association of Rocketry
See appliation in the link below before paying fee. See Sponsor before paying fee
UIL Math
Sponsor/Advisor: Zeynep Canbegi -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6th-7th Grade
Purpose: The University Interscholastic League, the main governing body for academic, athletic, and music competition among public schools in the U.S. state of Texas, sanctions many events for students in grades 2 to 12.
Competition in grades 2–8 is limited to district only. Competition in grades 9–12 advances (in most cases) from district to region to state.
See appliation in the link below before paying fee
UIL Literary Criticism
Sponsor/Advisor: Leslie Sarinana -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 9-10
Purpose: The University Interscholastic League, the main governing body for academic, athletic, and music competition among public schools in the U.S. state of Texas, sanctions many events for students in grades 2 to 12. Competition in grades 2–8 is limited to district only. Competition in grades 9–12 advances (in most cases) from district to region to state.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Biomedical HOSA
Sponsor/Advisor: Rajkumar Thangswari -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 9th-10th grade
Purpose: HOSA offers 58 competitive events, ranging from skill-based to leadership and team-based. The event groups are as follows: Health science, health professions, leadership, and recognition events. Members compete at the regional, state, and international levels. Those who place in the top three positions at the state level are given the opportunity to compete at the international level.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Science Fair Competitions
UIL Science
Sponsor/Advisor: Meltem Yilmaz -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 9th-10th Grade
Purpose: The University Interscholastic League, the main governing body for academic, athletic, and music competition among public schools in the U.S. state of Texas, sanctions many events for students in grades 2 to 12.
Competition in grades 2–8 is limited to district only. Competition in grades 9–12 advances (in most cases) from district to region to state.
See appliation in the link below before paying fee
Mentoring & Organizations
Student Council
Sponsor/Advisor: Andrea Liano -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th-10th grade
Purpose: The purpose of the organization is to create a greater sense of responsibility within the student body; to strive for better student/faculty relationship; to promote unification of the student body and better representation of its ideas to the faculty and administration; to promote a positive attitude in the advancement of leadership and loyalty; to promote spirit in the school activities; as well as to uphold traditions and to set standards for generations of Harmony students to come. The objective of Student Council is to provide a service organization doing various activities within the community throughout the year, while developing student leaders. Membership dues are Priority.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Service Leadership Society
Sponsor/Advisor: Jaqueline Burnett -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 8th Grade Honors, 9th-10th Grade
Purpose: Service Leadership Society (SLS) is a club for students to explore meaningful public policy topics, conduct research, form opinions, and develop a “bill” to address the selected public policy issue. Throughout the bill design process, students will learn the intricacies of Texas’ legislative process including how a bill becomes law. During the year, SLS clubs gather for a state conference to present bill drafts to their peers and have the opportunity to debate and vote on all bills. Using the Capitol setting as a “living classroom,” the student led, student driven program promotes awareness to the political process, creates a more politically astute student body, and develops constructive solutions to issues that impact local communities while engaging stakeholders in government. Throughout the year, participants meet weekly to sharpen their research skills, form arguments for and against a solution, and practice public speaking skills. SLS clubs also host elected officials and their staff to learn more about careers in public service and the legislative process. SLS is open to all 9-12 grade students.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Sponsor/Advisor: Eva Cortez -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6-8
Purpose: The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship and helps middle-level students develop the knowledge and skills to become well-rounded student leaders in their school, community, and beyond.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Sponsor/Advisor: Kellly Jewell -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level:
Purpose: The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Sponsor/Advisor: Bakhyt Daulyetkhan -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 6th-10th grade
Purpose: The mission of this program is to provide academic and social opportunities to prepare students in quest of higher education. With this program they can develop team work skills which is important to real world experiences that they will face outside of high-school.
see application in the link below before paying fee
CRLP Girls
Sponsor/Advisor: Sema Engin -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: 9th-10th grade
Grade Level: Tuesdays
Purpose: The mission of this program is to provide academic and social opportunities to prepare students in quest of higher education. With this program they can develop team work skills which is important to real world experiences that they will face outside of high-school.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Curricular Clubs
- Yearbook
- Arts and Crafts & Fashion Design
- Music Club
- Digital Media/Art club
- Creative Writing Club
- Book Club
- Math Club
- STEM Club - Astronomy
- Board Games Club - Chess
- Leadership Club - Military
- Cinema Club
- Media Club - Photography
Sponsor/Advisor: Jerenid Molina Perez; Grecy Sandoval
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 8-10
Purpose: The yearbook club focus on the construction of the yearbook. Activities may include Taking pictures, drawing layouts, cropping photographs, writing and typing copy, and selling advertisements and yearbooks.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Arts and Crafts & Fashion Design
Sponsor/Advisor: Tuba Ciplak -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Monday
Grade Level: 6th-10th grade
Purpose: Students learn different modes of art and discover new ways to express themselves as artists. This club is a platform to develop aesthetic values and enhance the creative skills and artistic talents of students.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Music Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Jose Sida -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6th-10th Grade
Purpose: This club strives to promote all student participation in the contribution and enjoyment of their musical abilities/talents
see application in the link below before paying fee
Digital Media/Art club
Sponsor/Advisor: Brandi McGinnes -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6th-10th grade
Purpose: Digital Media is a project-based survey of different forms of digital media, such as digital audio, imaging and illustration, movie editing, and animation.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Creative Writing Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Relisa Marasigan -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Grade Level: 6th-10th grade
Purpose: Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character
development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Book Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Lisa De La Paz -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Tuessdays
Grade Level: 6th-8th grade
Purpose: Book discussion club, is a group of people who meet to discuss a book or books that they have read. A literature circle is a group of students who meet in a classroom to discuss a book or books that they have read.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Math Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Zeynep Canbegi -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th-7th grade
Purpose: Math Club provides an opportunity for students to challenge themselves in the area of mathematics. Students will experience fun and challenging math problems that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
see application in the link below before paying fee
STEM Club - Astronomy
Sponsor/Advisor: Araceli Rivas -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Tuesdays
Grade Level: 6th-8th grade
Purpose: STEM Clubs are a great way to support the curriculum and provide opportunities for young people to have fun, be creative and expand subject knowledge and awareness of the role these subjects have in the world around them.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Board Games Club - Chess
Sponsor/Advisor: Merjen Meredova -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th-8th Grade
Purpose: The club offers students the opportunity to expand their strategic knowledge and critical thinking skills by providing a safe, fun, and friendly location and atmosphere to gather and play various board
games. Playing a variety of board games will help students develop their ability to solve problems, their sense of self, and their sense of sportsmanship.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Leadership Club - Military
Sponsor/Advisor: Nicole Quarles -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th-10th Grade
Purpose: This is a group of students organized for the purpose of developing youth as leaders and fostering a culture of service.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Cinema Club
Sponsor/Advisor: Julianna Acosta -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6th-8th Grade
Purpose: Cinema Club provides a space for students at all grade levels to view a wide range of films in a movie-theater-styled setting and to engage in discussion of those films in a casual environment.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Media Club - Photography
Sponsor/Advisor: Charles Helsabeck-Ochoa -
Requirements: Weekly attendance and club fee. A fee waiver may be available for eligible families.
Meetings: Mondays
Grade Level: 6-10
Media Club engages students who exhibit interest and talent in photography, filming, and handling PA equipment. Students are given the opportunity to develop their skills through training programs such as
video editing, short film projects, photography courses, exhibitions, field trips, and competitions.
see application in the link below before paying fee
Athletic Teams
Athletic Team | Coach | |
Basketball MSP Boys | TBA | |
Basketball JV Boys | TBA | |
Basketball Girls | Ms. James | |
Basketball Girls JV | Ms. James | |
Soccer Girls | Mr. Quinones, Ms. Liano |, |
Soccer Boys | Mr. Adamson | |
Volleyball MSS | Mr. Quinones | |
Volleyball MSP | Mr. Quinones | |
Volleyball JV Girls | Ms. Sims | |
Flag Football | Mr. Vargas | |
Cheerleaders | Ms. Holguin | |
Cross Country MSP | Ms. Liano | |
Cross Country JV | Ms. Sarinana | lsarinana |
Please complete the registration form in the link below. All clubs and athletic teams have a $50 fee and additional fees may apply for items such as uniforms and competitions. Fee waivers may be available for eligible familes for the $50 fee only. Please visit the front office for the fee waiver application. Make sure to contact the coach before paying the fee as there may be limited space and tryouts may be required.
It's worth noting that participating in athletics can require a significant time commitment, as regular practice is often necessary to develop skills, improve performance, and prepare for competitions. In some cases, athletes may have limited availability for other extracurricular activities or clubs due to their training and competition schedules.
See appliation in the link below before paying fee